Your help makes what we do possible. Thank you.
Volunteers are a special group of people who, as unpaid staff members represent the City of St. Petersburg and help shape its image. They play a significant role in furnishing the link between the staff and the public who use the services provided by the city.
For your convenience, you may now click on the Donate button below to easily make a contribution to The Friends of the Sunshine Center, Inc. It is fast, secure and saves you the trouble of stamps.
Join us and become involved on a personal level. Please contact The Friends of the Sunshine Center, Inc. office at (727) 821-2323 or sunshinecenterfriends@gmail.com. We are proud to be a part of this community, and we would be honored to have you join us!
Travel Trips
Would you like to travel without any of the stress normally associated with planning a trip of a lifetime? Perhaps you’d enjoy just getting away with a group of wonderful people. If the idea of traveling without worries appeals to you, contact The Friends of the Sunshine Center, Inc. at (727) 821-2323. Hotel reservations, transportation and tickets will be arranged through Diamond Tours, Inc. You’ll travel with cheerful escorts and congenial traveling companions. GO ON THE ROAD WITH THE FRIENDS ROADSHOW and visit places like New York City, Boston, Savannah, Charleston, New Orleans, Washington, DC and many more. Departures are from the Sunshine Senior Center, 330 5th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL-through Diamond Tours, Inc., Ft. Myers, Florida.
Planned Giving
Leave a legacy of better futures for seniors by making a planned gift to The Friends of the Sunshine Center, Inc. Monetary gifts to The Friends of Sunshine Center, Inc. may be made by check payable to The Friends of the Sunshine Center, Inc. FSC accepts donations from local businesses for fundraising events. Give in a more meaningful way with a gift to The Friends of the Sunshine Center, Inc. that honors someone special in your life. Make a gift through your will or trust. Your thoughtfulness makes a lasting difference in the lives of seniors, both today and tomorrow.
Become a Sponsor
Please be sure to thank our sponsors for their support throughout the year. Their generosity helps us keep our programs, services, and resources affordable and accessible to all seniors in our community. Learn about becoming a corporate sponsor and other opportunities for businesses. Corporate Sponsorship includes Partner $100, Bronze Partner $250, Silver Partner $500 and Gold Partner $1000. Your corporate membership in Friends of the Sunshine Center, Inc. helps support the fund-raising efforts of the organization.
Hollander Auction
The Friends of the Sunshine Center, Inc. sponsor the Easel Project at The Hollander Hotel, 421 4th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Phone (727) 873-7900, website: hollanderhotel.com. ProSignature America provides customized appropriate selections of unique sports, music and entertainment memorabilia framed art. Visitors/guests of The Hollander Hotel place sealed bids on the art work. At the end of the weekly bidding process, the highest bidder is able to purchase the beautiful artwork which has been on display. Please visit The Hollander Hotel to see the various items on display in the front lobby area.